Saturday, August 25, 2007


Today is Danielle's 19th birthday! Danielle is my sister and she is my best friend! She is an extraordinary young lady. Danielle is always telling me how funny I am. See, I may be funny, but Danielle is funny too! She is funny in her own way! I laugh just thinking about it. She gets this really funny face when she's rough-housing with people! She almost makes an underbit! It's hilarious, but also a joy to see!

Danielle also likes to squeeze my muslces in my arm. :D LOL She likes to squeeze them around and feel the juices! :D She claims that I'm the only one she can do that to because my muscles are small! :O
Can you believe she said that to me??? I have BIG muscles! :D LOL Okay, maybe not, but her muscle squeezing hurts, but it's SO funny, and she makes that underbite face!!! :D LOL

Danielle was blessed with the appearance of my mom. (She'll hate me for saying this) She has gotten so many compliments on how she looked like my mom. This one lady who hung out with my mom when they were teenagers saw Danielle for the first time, not knowing she was my mom's daughter. She said, "you look identical to an old friend of mine." "I haven't seen her in years, I would mistake you for being her, but she had to have gotten older through the years."
Danielle asked who she was talking about and she said, "Peri Campbell". (maiden name) It was SO funny! So, Danielle has been so blessed in that area. She is beautiful to me and her personality adds to it also!

Danielle is very artistic! She is a perfectionist and she is good at whatever she does. She taught herself how to play the guitar and she plays really well. She can draw well and she sings well too.

Sometimes, I like to call Danielle, "Dan" or "Buckwheat" or "Dan Clott". I love her reaction when I call her those names. :D LOL

There is so much more about Danielle that I could go on and on about! One other thing is her relationship with the Lord! She is a great example to me of how I should be! I look up to her.
Danielle always used to get upset with me for copying her and doing what she does (hence... Littlexerox) and I'm not exactly sure why I do, but maybe it is because I look up to her and like the young lady she has become and I want the same for myself.
Danielle means so much to me!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's been a year...

Well, as of today, it's been exactly one year since my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. I was dreading this day. I remember every detail about finding out the bad news. It feels like it happened so recently, but it feels like ages since I've seen her.
This was my mom! Her name was Peri and she was everything to me! She was a loving mother of 4 and she served the Lord and she taught me everything I know.
My mom wasn't just anyone... She was the most amazing woman I have ever known. She was such a hard worker and she devoted much of her time to Bible studies. She gave up her high-paying career to stay home and homeschool my sister and me. She sacrificed her life for us. She was a true example of what "dying to self" means.

When Mom got sick, it was so awful, but I know it's all part of God's plan for my life. I can't be selfish. She is where she wants to be right now. She is "Dancing With Angels"! :D

After Mom started treatments and things, her appearance slowly started to change. Even though she lost some hair and her face was swollen, she was still just as beautiful to me!

My Mom enjoyed cooking, cleaning, sewing, quilting, canning, anything that she could do out of the home. She also loved cutting grass. I always remember she accidentally cutting down some trees on accident by running them over. It was kind of funny!

My mom was and still is my role model! I want to be just like her someday.

My mom was truly amazing! My heart aches for her... but not for long because one day, I'll be with her again!